zadzwoń: (61) 852 47 18


Ours main task involves keeping the books, preparing monthly tax calculations and management reports based on information obtained from the accounting records.

THE ACCOUNTING OUTSOURCING comprises the following modules:

THE BOOKS OF ACCOUNTS - sets are generated using accounting documents and entries in such set are organized by dates and in a systematic order. This module comprises the following operations:

  • Posting accounting documents in the accounts in line with an adopted accounting policy;
  • Preparing accounting journals containing economic operations;
  • Preparing VAT registers;
  • Preparing subsidiary records for fixed assets (Inventory Register);
  • Preparing subsidiary records for settlements;
  • Preparing trial balances.

TAXES AND OFFICIAL STATEMENTS - preparing and submitting tax returns, forms and other information and reporting documents that can be prepared based on information derived from the accounting records, e.g.:

  • Preparing information on monthly CIT tax prepayments;
  • Preparing information on income tax prepayments for natural persons carrying out own business;
  • Preparing VAT returns (VAT-7);
  • Preparing summary information (VATUE);
  • Preparing reports for the NBP (the National Bank of Poland);
  • Preparing reports for the Statistical Office (KZ, DG-1, F-01).

REPORTING - preparing information and reporting documents with the standard software used for the book-keeping purposes:

  • Preparing profit and loss account and balance sheet (compliant with the Accounting Act);
  • Preparing management reports in a form specified by the Client;
  • Drawing up budgets of income and costs and balance sheet items;
  • Preparing reports on the budget performance.

ANNUAL STATEMENTS - comprise activities that need to be carried out to close the books and prepare statements and other information and reporting documents as required by the Accounting Act and other regulations:

  • Preparing financial statements (balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of equity changes, cash flow reports, supplementary notes)
  • Preparing the annual Corporate Income Tax declaration (CIT-8);
  • Preparing documents explaining items in the financial statements;
  • Counting and verifying balances of the clearing accounts and of the nominal accounts;
  • Recording the counting results;
  • Preparing other annual reports.


Results of the Accounting Outsourcing services depend on the scope of works agreed individually with the Client.

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